Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Issue Of Sexual Discrimination On College Campuses

CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) has been key to characterizing the issue of sexual discrimination on college campuses. Today, the force of Title IX has an intense focus on sexual misconduct and is present in the mind of not only the administrators responsible for compliance, but administrators throughout college and university campuses as well. While just a few short years ago it was normally known as the law relating to equity in athletics, this was not even its initial goal. Title IX was made as and remains a comprehensive equity law, not exclusively an athletic equity law. Notwithstanding, its focal part in characterizing athletics set imperative preparation and established the framework for its application to all types of sexual discrimination. As college and universities have been under expanded scrutiny to address sexual discrimination on campus, the force of Title IX related to sexual misconduct has increased. In any case, before sexual misconduct could turn out to be such a noticeable piece of Title IX, it must be characterized. This chapter provides a review of the related literature germane to the current study. This chapter will look at the backdrop of Title IX s advancement from sexual discrimination law to the sexual misconduct law it serves as today, through the perspective of a historical review of Title IX, significant court cases, and significant guidance documents issued by the Office forShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Sexual Discrimination On College Campuses1214 Words   |  5 Pages In today’s world, Sexual Discrimination is a very common issue, especially in college campuses. Unfortunately, Student’s enrolled at The College at Brockport has found themselves to be victims of the issue. Althoug h, sexual discrimination is best defined by discriminating against a person on the grounds of sex, other forms of sexual discrimination include sexual assault, and sexual harassment. 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Statistically speaking â€Å"one in five women, and a substantial number of men, [will experience] attempted or completed sexual assault during their college career†(OAESV 2). These numbers are utterly horrific, and

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